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A Morning Routine for Mental Health

3 elements of a morning routine that will be sure to benefit your mental health

  1. Plan it & stick to it

    One of the hardest parts is what will your morning routines consist of, how long will it take, and what days will you do it? Will you read, spend time with a loved one, eat or have coffee, will you work out? Will this be 2-5x per week, every day, or will it vary from weekday or weekend? A lot of questions, but a lot of combinations and possibilities.

    Having a good morning routine isn’t really about the details, but more of the consistency and how it makes you feel. Your mind and body want routines and dopamine, and that’s something only you know about yourself. Give yourself the time and space to play around with different activities and time ranges. A healthy morning routine doesn’t transpire right away, but develops over time. Allow the space for it to naturally take place.

  2. Be flexible
    This might be contradictory to what point #1 is, but a huge part of mental health is grace. It’s unrealistic to think that we will always be 100% on our routines, no matter how much we love them. Life happens, it’s ok! Sleep in, take a day off, or change up the routine. Flexibility can be hard but it is ultimately so good for your whole person.

  3. Do what brings you joy.
    The most important thing to remember is your why. When it comes to your morning routine, it should bring you joy, look forward to it, and set you at ease going into your day. Don’t compare yours to others, you will have different joys. Make your routine unique to what you need and desire, and your day and mental health will thank you.

For more mental health tips, check out the next blog below or follow me on Instagram @atl.therapist